PDK Introduction – Defining the Future of Access Control
ProdataKey (PDK) is a leader and innovator of cloud access control solutions. Based out of Utah, PDK has been in business since 2011. Their solution includes a fully cloud-based platform, multiple types of high security readers, and Ethernet-based door controllers. The PDK cloud platform is streamlined and powerful, allowing for full configuration and management from any internet-connected device.
Security of Cloud Access Control
Additionally, their cloud platform is designed for security first. Unlike traditional on-premise access control servers, PDK’s solution does not have a server on site. Instead, a specialized “Cloud Node” controller communicates securely to PDK’s servers, which are hosted on Google Cloud and AWS. The software utilizes strong authentication and encryption systems, which mitigate and prevent attacks. Data is routinely backed-up and stored to make compliance and disaster recovery seamless.

Choosing Equipment
First, every location will need a “Cloud Node” Controller, of which three options are available. The PDK-CLOUDNODE-1 and 1-WIFI have a one-door controller inside, allowing for a reader to be installed. The PDK-CLOUDNODE-SE model can be rack-mounted and provides cloud connectivity, but must be paired with a standalone door controller.
In the event of more than one door requiring cloud access control, a PDK Door Controller is required. These are available in 1/2/4/8 door varieties. They will communicate with the Cloud Node over IP, so they must be connected to the same network via Ethernet or Wi-Fi. PDK also has outdoor controllers, for gate or building access.
Next, a high-security reader must be chosen. These are available in three form factors (Mullion, Single Gang, Keypad) for installation flexibility. You can also spec out a reader that works with prox 125 KHz technology (for use with older keycards), mobile phone compatibility, or both.
Finally, credentials for swiping into a door reader must be chosen. Traditional key fob and print card credentials are available. Additionally, readers with the -BT suffix allow for use of mobile phones as a credential. Since phones are much less likely to be lost than cards or fobs, this is inherently more secure.
Considering Cloud Access Control?
If you’re thinking about offering a cloud access control solution, that’s great! Cloud-based access control solutions allow your clients to save money on expensive, dedicated hardware, IT staff training, and routine maintenance. In fact, PDK offers 24/7 tech support to their dealers, ensuring peace of mind when issues may arise.
As more technology moves to the cloud, we have noticed a trend of clients asking for cloud-based access control. We at XLR Security are excited to partner with PDK and deliver the best possible solutions for access control. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 905-794-5508 or via email info@xlrsecurity.com.